Monday 31 August 2015

How I Became a vegetarian?

Being a vegetarian is a quite recently experience in my life.
One Sunday of the past March( don't ask me about date because I don't remember, anyway dates are just numbers and on the end the important thing is that I finally had the courage to make a change) I decided that was my last day as meat eater and I tell you that was one of the best decisions I ever have made for myself. Yes, you heard me when you decide to become a vegetarian first of all you have to do it for yourself (as everything in life and I don't think that is being selfish) because when you do anything thinking about your well being the probability of you do in it right and for longer time it's much bigger.
Anyway, I was a meat eater most of my life and the reality is that I enjoyed it and I would never think about becoming a veggie girl. Why would anyone would want to live of veggies and delicious fruits for the rest of their lifes? That's until the day I came across of the Documentary "Cowspiracy" and that couple of hours changed my life, changed my way of seing the world, changed the way I looked at meat that are actually dead animals killed and treated the most monstruous way. That documentary was definetely a big open eyes for me! I was in chock and upset with myself...A question was always playing on my mind afterwards.. Why have I never wanted to see what was on front of eyes, around me every second? How could a pretty well made packaging surrounded by marketing blind everyone about the pain of this animals? Who the hell we think we are to make any other species suffer?

By now you probably understand that one of my biggest reasons was ethical. I couldn't eat meat anymor. I didn't want to be a part of this!

One of the other reasons was the environment. I was thinking that walking or cycling to work, recicle the much I could or simple having short showers would help this planet a little bit to be "alive" for a few years more... Guess what?! I was wrong one more time. Don't get me wrong all this things does help, actually every little thing helps but animal industry is the major reason of overheating the planet, eating up land, causing deforestation, poisoning the earth, destroying the oceans and I will stop here because the list could be quite long.

Let's talk now about the benefits I witnessed since that day. I definitely feel more "light" and I don't just mean about my weight I definitely mean about having no problems with bloating or constipation. I feel like I did a favour to my body, I made my body life easier in terms of digesting:). I feel better in my own body and mind. I feel more aware of what surrounds me.

I'm not trying in any way to say I'm better than a meat eater. I'm still a "baby" in this vegetarian world and I still have lots to learn. I'm just trying to be the best version of myself, trying to do what it looks right to me always keeping in my mind my own will and hapiness.

Realising now that this post is longer than I expected (ups) I leave with the picture of my lovely dog :)

with Love :)